1969-1970 Team Controversy

The 1970-71 Yearbook featured an article that the 1970-71 was the first year for Mahomet-Seymour to have a cross country team.

In most yearbooks, seniors are asked what activities they participated in during their high school years.  They also indicate which years students participated in the activity.  The following yearbook pages show that students indicated that they ran in cross country during the 1969-1970 school year.

In this 1970-71 yearbook, it states the 1970-71 season is the first year for cross country.

In this 1969-70 yearbook, both Carl Johnson and Davrrell Gent indicate that they ran cross country their senior year (1969).

In this 1970-71 yearbook, both David Hitchens and Doug Licht indicate that they ran cross country both their junior (1969) and senior years.

In this 1971-72 yearbook, Robert Bloodsworth, Phil Carper, & Mike Lebaugh that they ran cross country their freshman year (1969-70).
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