Boys Cross Country Manager Letter Policy
Our cross country team has had the volunteer help of many of our students.  We greatly appreciate their help.  Those students that volunteer to help their time on a regular basis are given the honored title of cross country manager.  Our cross country managers help during practice, at meets, before school and during their study halls.  We have set a letter policy that gives a special recognition to those managers that give of their time on a regular basis.
Mahomet-Seymour Boys XC Manager Letter Policy

Managers that volunteer at least 4 to 6 days a week to help the team will be awarded a manager letter pin in recognition and appreciation of their time and efforts given to the team.

We prefer managers help at practice and meets, however, managers can still letter if they come in before school or during their study hall to help with the organization of the team.

Mahomet-Seymour Boys XC Manager Certificate Winner Policy

Managers that volunteer at least twice a week to help the team will be awarded a Boys XC Manager Certificate in recognition and appreciation of their time and efforts given to the team.