2009 Summer Running 400 Mile Club
John Butcher
John Butcher, Sophomore, is a second year high school cross country runner.  John ran 436.8 miles this summer.

Caleb Johnson
Caleb Johnson, Senior, is a forth year high school cross country runner.  Caleb ran 409.7 miles this summer.

Dan Lewis
Dan Lewis, Sophomore, is a second year high school cross country runner.  Dan ran 427 miles this summer.

Lucas Prather
Lucas Prather, Sophomore, is a second year high school cross country runner.  Lucas ran 438.3 miles this summer.

Jonathan Schaap
Jonathon Schaap, Freshman, is a first year high school cross country runner.  Jonathon ran 400.1 miles this summer.

This page was created to honor those runners who have made the committment and sacrifice to themselves and the team to run 400 miles over the summer.  This is an impressive 5.55 miles a day 7 days a week.  These runners have sacrificed their time and energy to make every attempt to better prepare themselves for the upcoming season.

"Many have the will to win.  Few have the will to prepare."

Previous 400 Mile Club Award Runners
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