Boys Cross Country Donations Requested

Our program grew from 8 runners in the 2001 season to over 40 runners in the 2004 and 2005 seasons.  With this growth, a need for more supplies and uniforms came.  We have since borrowed uniforms from the track team since our budget would not allow us to purchase the amount of uniforms for our runners.  We have had parents and businesses make financial contributions to the team to help.  Over the years our team has had businesses donate real estate signs that we repaint to make for parking signs.  We have had businesses donate golf cars which we use to bring water to the runners on the trails we train on.  One alumni's parents donated a frig/freezer for the team to use to store our water bottles and food for our cookouts.  Local businesses have donated plexiglass that we have used to make trophy cases.  We have had extremely supportive alumni, parents and community that have also donated to our team.  We greatly appreciate any donation we are offered.

If you are willing, we are requesting the following donations:

    Running Books -       to motivate our runners
    Running Videos -       to motivate our runners
    Running Magazines - to motivate and educate our runners
     Motivational Literature - to motivate our runners
    Running Watches -      to provide to runners whose families can't afford one
    Water Bottles -          to provide water to the runners
    Plates -                      for any cookouts we might have
    Napkins -                  for any cookouts we might have
    Hotdogs -                  for any cookouts we might have
Hotdog Buns -           for any cookouts we might have
    Hamburger Buns -    for any cookouts we might have
    Popsicles -                 to cool down the runners on hot days
    Financial Contributions - to help in any area

Thank you for your support.  It is greatly appreciated.

Special Thanks Page for Past Donations
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