2009 Boys Cross Country Pasta Parties
We have very supportive parents.  Our parents volunteer to host pasta parties for every Friday night.  Parents give of their time and money to provide a get together for the runners, managers and cheerleaders.  Our parents have served anything from pasta, pizza, hotdogs, chilli, and so on.  We appreciate their efforts to make the sport more fun for the team.  The pasta parties are a great place for our runners to get to know each other better.  It provides an opportunity for our runners of different ability levels a chance to visit, since in races and practices our runners tend to grow closest to those who run around them.  Each year the boys look back at the pasta parties as one of their fondest memories of the season.
September 4

Mike, LuAnn, and John Prillaman's house
September 11

Lieb, Stacie, Caleb, and Elijah Johnson's house
September 18

Praful, Pradnya, and Mayand Vakil's house
September 25

Gregg, Kathryn, and Lucas Rose's house
October 2

Richard, Ava, and Henry Wolf's house
October 9

Bryan, Patti, and Evan Forbes house
October 16

Paul, Lori, and Jonathan Schaap's house
October 23

Brad, Julie Pintar and Daren, Sandy Prather
October 30

Jeff, Debbie, and John Butcher's house
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